A catch-all functionality that is enabled for a particular mailbox will allow you to receive emails that are sent to addresses that do not really exist. Otherwise stated, if you remove an email address and somebody still sends an email to it, or to any miswritten email address under the very same domain name, you will receive the email in the catch-all mailbox. Using this feature means that you won’t miss an email for any reason whatsoever, which could be crucial if you are running a business, for example. Since you may start receiving junk email messages, you can combine the catch-all option with anti-spam filtering software so as to get only authentic email messages in your inbox. Only one single mailbox per domain can be a catch-all one and email forwarding cannot be activated for a catch-all mailbox.
Catch-all Emails in Web Hosting
In case you have a Linux web hosting plan with our company and you want to enable the catch-all feature for a specific email mailbox that you’ve got in your web hosting account, it’ll take literally only one click of the mouse in the Email Manager section of your Hepsia Control Panel to accomplish this. A catch-all button is available to the right of each email address that you have set up under any domain name registered in the account. You can pick one email address per domain by clicking the corresponding button. This will enable the feature momentarily, so all emails sent to miswritten addresses will be delivered there. Clicking the button for a second time will disable the catch-all feature. If you have active email forwarding, our system will exhibit a cautionary note and you will not be able to activate the catch-all feature unless you delete the forwarding or you can simply choose a different mailbox to be the catch-all one.
Catch-all Emails in Semi-dedicated Servers
The catch-all option can be enabled effortlessly if you have a semi-dedicated server plan with us. All the email addresses that you have set up using the domain names hosted in your semi-dedicated server account will be displayed in the Email Manager section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you will find a small sign handily situated right next to each one of them. With only a single click, you can enable or disable the catch-all option for any mailbox of your choosing on the condition that there isn't another mailbox under the same domain name with this option already activated and there isn't active email forwarding. Instead, you can right-click on a mailbox and enable this option using the menu that will surface. In case any of the prerequisites for setting up a catch-all mailbox is not matched, our system will inform you, but will not deactivate or replace anything automatically.