Server Side Includes (SSI) is actually a group of directives that will enable you to include the content of a text file inside an HTML file. In this way, you can add some content to various web pages in your website and adjust it just by updating an individual text file. You are able to furthermore incorporate the output of distinctive scripts so that the present time and date, the IP address of the visitor or the attributes of some file show up on your site. This will enable you to add in some dynamic content to static web pages, making the website more desirable to your website visitors and giving it a far more professional visual appearance. It will be quicker to update this content compared to editing each static web page one at a time. If you wish to use Server Side Includes in your site, the pages that include the content of any kind of file need to be with extension .shtml.
Server Side Includes in Web Hosting
All Linux web hosting plans that we provide support Server Side Includes, so you're able to bring in dynamic components to any static website that you host on our cloud system. By setting up an empty .htaccess file and adding some lines of code inside it, you'll be able to activate SSI for a domain or a subdomain. The file concerned should be in the exact folder where you are going to use SSI you'll be able to discover the code in our Frequently Asked Questions section, which means you do not need any coding experience. Our 24/7 technical support staff shall also be capable to assist you with enabling Server Side Includes if you aren't absolutely sure what to do. You should additionally make sure to modify the extension of all your files that are going to use SSI from .html to .shtml and make certain that the links on your website point to the proper files.
Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Servers
Server Side Includes could be activated in no time with each and every semi-dedicated server package that we offer and the whole process is going to take you only a minute and just several clicks. You can enable SSI by creating an empty .htaccess file within a domain or subdomain root folder using the File Manager tool in the Hosting Control Panel or perhaps an FTP program of your preference, then incorporating a few lines of code, which you will be able to copy from the SSI article inside our in depth Knowledgebase. The one thing remaining following that is to double-check if all webpages that will implement Server Side Includes are renamed from .html to .shtml and to alter backlinks to different web pages on your site, to reflect the changes in the file extensions.